Research Projects
Constructing a global land surface phenology database
(글로벌 지표식물계절 데이터베이스 구축)
Sole PI, KNU | Funded by NRF (한국연구재단) | 2025~2028
Development of stand and landscape-level forest management techniques for augmented carbon sequestration and storage capabilities
(산림탄소 흡수·저장 기능 증진을 위한 임분과 경관 수준의 산림 관리 기술 개발)
Lead PI, KNU | Funded by KFS (산림청) | 2024~2026
Refining mangrove forests mapping algorithms in Korea and the Asia-Pacific region
(국내 및 아-태 지역 맹그로브림 구분 알고리즘 고도화 및 국내 적용 방안 마련)
Sole PI, KNU | Funded by NIFoS (국립산림과학원) | 2025
Using High Spatial and Temporal Resolution Commercial Imagery to Map Shrub Cover in the Tundra Biome
Co-I, KNU | Funded by NASA | 2023~2025
4단계 BK21 지역맞춤 환경재난 문제해결형 융복합 교육연구단, 2025~
환경부 강원권 미세먼지연구·관리센터(, 2024~
국립생태원 국가장기생태연구 외부연구원, 2024~
국립생태원 생태계표관측망구축사업 자문위원, 2024
Development of remote sensing-based forest carbon monitoring techniques
2024, funded by Kangwon National University (강원대학교)
Analysis and database construction for forest carbon storage and absorption in Gangwon province
2024, funded by Gangwon Carbon Neutrality Center (강원특별자치도 탄소중립지원센터)
Algorithm development for mapping Asian mangrove forests using high-resolution satellite imagery
2024, funded by National Institute of Forest Sciences (국립산림과학원)